Partner photo


The partnership is based on the participation of cultural partners which will represent the national cultural promoters of the project and will be responsible for the implementation of an accessible temporary exhibition (Atlante Servizi Culturali in collaboration with Fondazione Burri in Italy, MSU in Croatia and The Glucksman in Ireland) and the Institute for the Blinds of Milan, who will ensure scientific support and validation to the whole project. All the partners have already collaborated on the previous project VIBE, cofunded by Creative Europe too, so they have an established strong relationships and they already have shared a transnational experience. This common interest and experience in visual disability field and engagement will hopefully give to the group the basis to grow together and build a more comprehensive and overall method.

Partners & Contributors

Logo Atlante Servizi Culturali
Logo Fondazione Istituto dei Ciechi di Milano Onlus
Logo MSU
Logo Glucksman
Logo  Fondazione Palazzo Albizzini Collezione Burri

+39 0753 721525

Via A. Gramsci 1 bis, 06012 Città di Castello (PG)